Sunday, May 1, 2016

Take a Break

We say a good deal in this space about overcoming because there are any number of health problems, relationship conflicts, financial challenges, and sundry other matters that threaten to push us back, press us down or just generally rob us of life. We need words, perspectives, thoughts and truths that help us continue and overcome. There is a lot heavy lifting for us.

But it occurs to me that sometimes we don't so much need another plan for overcoming as we need to just stop, breathe, and be thankful. Sometimes instead of focusing on winning a victory, we need to celebrate what we already have. And give some thought to this: There may be times when we don't so much need to pray for greater faith for the battle as we need to pray for the stillness to let God's present blessings just soak in.

I hope this is clear. In the spirit of Ecclesiastes, there is a time to charge the hill and a time to sit quietly; a time to say,  "Yes, the problem...but God" and a time to say, "God, you have greatly blessed me;"  a time for leaning into our pain and a time for luxuriating in generous grace. 

You have probably learned something about the wisdom of taking breaks, but we may need to apply it.  Some of us have been heroically involved in a struggle for a long while. We continue to go to the well to find the power to keep moving, But we need some breaks. More specifically, we need to take some breaks. No, we don't have the luxury of stopping the world for a moment so we can step off, but we do have the ability to slow down our minds and remember that there is a plan and a planner who is with us all the way. 

In the middle of the whirlwind, we can rejoice. 

Go ahead. Take that kind of break.


  1. Wow Tom, this is so needed for me today. Thank you for letting our Lord guide you to write this today.

  2. This just what I needed.


  3. This just what I needed.


  4. Thanks so much Tom for the reminder....Amen

  5. Learned breaks and balance by just reading this. Now to apply it. Thank you Tom for yoour wisdom.

  6. Learned breaks and balance by just reading this. Now to apply it. Thank you Tom for yoour wisdom.

  7. Beautiful.....after four years as primary caregiver to my elderly parents and their recent deaths (a month apart), this is especially meaningful. I have been thinking I need to journal about all the ways God has moved in our lives these past years because of the many, many opportunities for growth. Something you said, Tom, a while back: "Difficulty is the very atmosphere of miracle", and columns by Shelia that highlighted two Scriptures Isaiah 41:13 and Ephesians 4:13-18. Altogether, I have been inspired and led back to the healing Word of God whenever I have taken a break to read Mind Change Moment. God bless you and yours for taking your difficulty and making a difference in my life!! Isn't this the dream of all who make Jesus Lord?
