Sunday, September 13, 2015

Mom's Mind

Since this is the first "Moment" you have received in a while you might like an explanation. From time to time over the last few years we have missed a few weeks that were unannounced, so when an out-of-town trip at the beginning of August made it difficult to get something out, it did not seem to be a problem.
It is interesting to see that in the last post that I wrote I mentioned how uncertain life is. My mother, who lived five minutes from us, soon had a heart attack and then a fall (or those events maybe in opposite order) the night before her 91st birthday. For the next 18 days she was in serious condition, with us at her side most of the time, and she passed from this life on September 2 on her wedding anniversary. Then came a week of planning and conducting two memorial services, and working through the normal emotions that come with losing someone who is vitally involved in your life. (And that work will continue.)
Now as we try to get back to something like normal life, I want to share with you something I found in my mother's bedside drawer. On a very small piece of paper about the size of a post-it note, she had written this:
I keep telling myself: "DO NOT be dismayed:” Just trust in God’s promises:
  • to strengthen me
  • to help me
  • to hold me up
Isaiah 41:10
And w/his help, I know I can make it.
(at the bottom of this you can see a picture of the actual note)
In my mom's last years she dealt with a lot of pain, but with this statement I hear her saying that she regularly changed her mind and focused on God's promises not on her pain. I plan to mount and laminate this little note and let it speak to me the rest of my life, for I, too, need to keep "telling myself" these thoughts.
Next week, I want to share another lesson she taught me and many others, and one she continues to teach today.        


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Tom & Sheila, so sorry to learn of your mother's passing. It sounds like she left this earth with confidence in God's promises and in her destination, a very encouraging message. We hope you and your family are well.
    Much Love,

  3. You are in my prayers this morning upon reading this. Thank you so much for sharing this note with the community. It has spoken to my heart in more ways than you know. I am strengthened by your mom and will pass this on to those in my own family who are in pain and suffering at this time. What a legacy to be able to have impact with a total stranger because of what you have shared about your mom today.

  4. Tom I am so sorry for your loss. I wanted to tell you how I appreciate you sharing a little of your mother with us. This is a great treasure to see her heart to keep telling herself of God's promises. Thank you so much.

    1. Tom, I am so sorry about the loss of your mother. Even though she lived into her 90's, it is never easy to say goodbye. My dad had Alzheimer's and lived with us for 3 1/2 years. He passed away a year ago May and I love and miss him so much on a daily basis. Thanks for sharing your mother's post-it note with such an encouraging scripture and message!! I love that you are framing it! Every day I try to hold fast to scriptures like Isaiah 41:10 that keep me anchored in God's love, strength, and peace. Cheryl Fink

  5. Love to you and yours, my dear friend, and prayers for God's infinite comfort.

  6. Tom and Sheila, your loss is great, yet your gain is huge. she was a wonderful person to your family and has left a legacy. she is with God now. Thank you so very much for sharing the first instalment of this legacy. looking forward to the next one. how blessed you are to have had her for these years past.

  7. Thank you for sharing this precious moment with us. Love you both so much. So sorry for your loss. Praying for you!

  8. Tom so sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing your mother's thoughts. It helped me too. You and your family is in my prays and I look forward to learning from your mother next week.

  9. Dear Tom & Sheila, My prayers are w/ you for God to provide the comfort you & your family need. Thank you so much for sharing your mom's thoughts & reminders to hold onto God's promises. It meets a need for me as well.

  10. Thanks to all of you for your kind expressions of care and concern. I feel your love and support.

  11. Thanks for sharing Grandma's special note. It's more precious that the material things she left behind. Love, Amy

  12. Tom, I thank you for you kindness and consideration in sharing during such a time as this.. What a privilege to have shared a love and faith with your mom. May I extend my deepest sympathy for your lost and appreciation for your gain even as you strain through this.

  13. I am so sorry to hear about your loss, but also encouraged that your mother left you strength and encouragement.

  14. Thank you for sharing God's strength in your time of grief.

  15. I am truly sorry for your loss Tom, may the Lord comfort you as you have helped us find strength in God through your posts. Thank you for being an example and demonstrating how setting our minds on Christ can be such a source of strength in such times. May God comfort you and meet all your needs.
