Sunday, July 5, 2015

Finish Line Faith

For many years Randy McKean advocated for a publishing ministry I led in Boston. I will always appreciate his support. Now he has written his own inspiring book titled Radical Faith.
One of his chapters is on “Finish Line Faith” and he points out that biblical faith is faith that finishes. Of course, we must have beginnings and often we only have beginnings because of faith. It takes faith to launch into new waters.
But great beginnings lose all their luster and even become a great source of disappointment or discouragement  when there is no finish. As hard as it sometimes to begin, it is much more challenging to finish.
But biblical faith is faith that must "finish the race.” And while a variety of elements may be needed to finish, the key element is faith itself--a faith that clearly has as its object the God who gives us the power to keep running, keep building, keep loving, and keep on keeping on.  
As I read Randy’s chapter, I asked myself, what have I begun that I need to finish?  And do I believe God will give me the power to finish? How about you?

Randy’s book is available from Illumination Publications.


  1. Is Randy's book going to evangelize the world in his generation? What happened to finishing that race?

  2. Curtis, your comment seems to be a sarcastic one that also may reflect a confusion of Randy with his brother. Randy has continued to be a voice for unity and an example of one whose faith inspired him to not quit but go on to fruitful ministry.

    1. Right on, Tom; an inspired answer of truth!

  3. Good morning Tom, for me I see my race on a day by day and pray for the strength to keep my faith to keep running the race. Am so grateful for the water and food (God's word) each day to keep me going until I can see the finish line (Heaven). And most of all, my coach and inspiration (Jesus) in helping push me with the mountains that come in front of me. Thanks for sharing this morning.

  4. Finishing the race of this life is something that I have given more thought to as I have passed the 1/2 century mark of years living it. I believe that I am closer to ending my physical lifespan. With these thoughts I have and am growing increasingly grateful for God's grace and love in giving us Jesus and the Way so that life is beyond this physical that must end. It is my hope to finish the physical race staying grateful for God's grace and love in giving us Jesus. And by obeying the Way prayerfully I will be able to keep on cheering others on too. No matter what.

  5. As my biological brother and a sister in Christ both prepare for the Finish Line due to different end-stage cancers, I find myself looking for ways to reach my brother without the faith and am inspired by the peaceful acceptance that my dear sister has by her faith. God is working in mysterious ways with my brother as I watch my sister slip away. Every devotional, prayer, Scripture I send is being met with increasing understanding and a willingness to hear more. The most significant interest he has is how others in our church who are facing the same "fate" are handling their physical end-times. It is the "faith of our fathers" that leads us home as we are reminded of in Hebrews 11, the Chapter of Faith, beginning with "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." This is happening with my brother and I am so grateful to God for Finish Line Faith!
